2. Introduction#

This standard operating procedure (SOP) document for carbon dioxide (CO2) aims to guide the user through the steps necessary to collect good quality partial pressure of carbon dioxide (pCO2) data with a CONTROS HydroCTM CO2T sensor installed on a M1 Seaglider for both real time and post deployment data streams. This SOP has been modeled after the Ocean Gliders community SOP format (e.g. Oxygen SOP) to encourage others to include other pCO2 sensors and ocean gliders.

This SOP is a product of a National Science Foundation funded project (Development of a Carbon Seaglider for ocean acidification monitoring and inorganic carbon process studies, OCE#1841948) with the goal of developing a proven, science-ready pCO2-sensing Seaglider that is commercially available for a variety of ocean observing missions.

Please see [Hauri et al., 2024] for more on this project.

2.1. Overview sensor glider combinations#

As mentioned above, this SOP has been formatted to align with the Ocean Gliders Community SOPs in the hope it will be expanded in the future. For now, this documents our integration of a HydroCTM CO2T sensor with an M1 Seaglider [Hauri et al., 2024].